You Won’t Believe What Dolly Parton Just Shared About Her Husband!

Although Dolly Parton is 78, she isn’t planning to slow down anytime soon. Her incredible career is still going strong, but when she’s not in the spotlight, she enjoys a peaceful life with her husband Carl.

Recently, Dolly shared a new, never-before-seen picture of them together. There’s one particular detail in the photo that’s driving fans crazy.

Shutterstock/Carl Beust


Dolly Parton has loved music her entire life, and nothing has stopped her from doing what she loves most.

Born on January 19, 1946, in Locust Ridge, Tennessee, near the Great Smoky Mountains, Dolly grew up in a big family with little money. As one of 12 children, money was tight.

However, music brought her family together. Her mother sang and played guitar, and Dolly started learning more about music by performing in church at a young age.

“Music was a big part of our whole family,” Dolly remembered. “All of my mama’s people were musical. They all played some sort of musical instrument. I took my music seriously and always played any instrument I could find. But I always loved the guitar.”

Dolly’s uncle gave her her first guitar, and soon she was writing her own songs.

By the age of 10, she was performing on local TV and radio stations in Knoxville, Tennessee. At 13, she made her debut on the national country radio station, Grand Ole Opry, earning about $20 a week.


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Family and music were deeply connected for the Partons, and Dolly’s uncles played a big role in her musical journey.

“I had two uncles who played — Uncle Bill, who helped me get into the business, and Uncle Lewis, who was a great guitar player,” Dolly said. “Uncle Lewis had this little Martin guitar that I loved. When he saw how serious I was about music, he gave it to me. It was my treasure.”

Dolly went to high school and graduated, becoming the first in her family to do so. But in 1964, at 18, she decided to focus entirely on her music career. She left home and headed to Nashville, the heart of the country music scene.

“I had a dream,” she said. “And I had a talent, I thought. And I really believed it was going to happen.”

In Nashville, Dolly quickly rose to fame. She worked with Porter Wagoner on The Porter Wagoner Show, and they became very popular. They released several country hits together, and Dolly soon got a contract with RCA Records. In 1971, she landed her first No. 1 country hit with “Joshua,” and many more hits followed, including “Jolene.”

“Jolene” has only 200 words, but it became one of the biggest hits of the 20th century. It reached No. 1 on the charts and was nominated for two Grammy Awards for Best Female Country Vocal Performance (both studio and live versions).

In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine ranked “Jolene” No. 217 on its list of “The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.”



Shutterstock/Bart Sherkow



With songs like “I Will Always Love You,” which honored her professional relationship with Porter Wagoner, along with hits like “The Seeker,” “Love Is Like a Butterfly,” and “All I Can Do,” Dolly Parton earned tons of awards and became a global superstar.

She won her first Grammy in 1977 for “Here You Come Again,” and many more hits came after that.

In the 1980s, Dolly expanded her career into movies. She starred with Jane Fonda in the 1980 hit comedy *9 to 5* and also worked on the film’s soundtrack. She continued to appear in films, and in 1986, she opened her own amusement park called Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

Dolly says she’s written over 3,000 songs in her career. She’s sold more than 100 million albums, topped the country charts 25 times, and won eight Grammy Awards. And she’s not slowing down.

“Almost every day I come up with a few song titles or a sweet melody,” Dolly told BBC in 2016.

She added, “I’m 16 in some ways. I’m still a hopeless romantic. But I’m 35 in my spirit and mind. When I was 35, it was a great time in my life – success and happiness and all that. So I decided to stay that way in my state of mind.”





While Dolly Parton is famous for her amazing music and performances, she also found true love more than 55 years ago.

In 1964, Dolly met Carl Dean outside the Wishy Washy Laundromat in Nashville, Tennessee. Dolly was 18, and Carl was 21. From the moment he saw her, Carl knew there was something special about her.

“My first thought was, ‘I’m gonna marry that girl,’” Carl said about their first meeting, according to Entertainment Tonight. “My second thought was, ‘Lord, she’s good lookin.’ And that was the day my life began. I wouldn’t trade the last 50 years for anything.”

Carl was sitting in his pickup truck when he saw Dolly and called out to her, as Dolly remembered in a 1976 interview with the NY Times.

Dolly didn’t agree to go out with him right away. Instead, she invited him over a few days later while she was babysitting her nephew. That was the start of their lasting love story.

“He came up every day that week, and we just sat out on the porch. I didn’t even let him in the house,” Dolly said.

“When my aunt had a day off, I finally went out with Carl. He took me to his parents’ house and introduced me to them because he knew right away that I was the one he wanted.”

In May 1966, Dolly Parton and Carl Dean got married in a private ceremony in Ringgold, Georgia.

Dolly’s record label wanted them to wait to get married because of her career, but Dolly and Carl didn’t want to delay. They chose to have the wedding in Georgia to keep it out of the local Tennessee press.



Dolly Parton on March 10, 1983 dining at Spago in West Hollywood, California. (Photo by Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)


Only Dolly, Carl, and her mother were at their wedding.

“My mother made me a little white dress, a bouquet, and a Bible,” Dolly remembered. “But I told her, ‘I can’t get married in a courthouse because I won’t feel married.’ So we found a small Baptist church and asked Pastor Don Duvall if he would marry us. We took pictures on the steps right outside the church.”

Since then, Dolly and Carl have been deeply in love. However, Carl rarely joins Dolly on the red carpet for award shows or charity events. The only time he did was when Dolly received her first songwriting award when she was 20.

“After the dinner, we walked out and they brought us our car—I don’t even remember what it was,” Dolly said, according to The Boot. “Carl turned to me and said, ‘Dolly, I want you to have everything you want, and I’m happy for you, but don’t you ever ask me to go to another one of those dang things again!’”





In 2016, Dolly and Carl celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary by renewing their vows.

“That was sweet,” Dolly told BBC. “There was no pressure at all. We had a little ceremony in a small chapel on our property, then we took our little RV to Ringgold, Georgia, where we got married 50 years before. We spent the night there, took some beautiful pictures, and got all dressed up. It was really fun.”

“We’ve always been great friends,” Dolly said. “We have a lot of fun and respect for each other. It was our first marriage, and we never thought we’d want to do it again. Why bother?”

Dolly Parton has been a big name in show business her whole life, and having Carl’s support has been important to her. These days, they enjoy doing whatever they want, and they really deserve it.

However, Dolly and Carl chose not to have children. Dolly explained that she had to give up the idea of having kids to focus on her career.



Shutterstock/Jack Fordyce

“I’ve made sacrifices, but I think as I said, I believe what I know I’m supposed to do,” Parton told Oprah Winfrey in an interview. “I’ve made the sacrifice of time… and not having time to spend with family, and you give up family and friends, vacation, and work without end, 24/7, 365, but you got to make the sacrifice.”

She told The Guardian that she and Dean have always wondered what their children would look like.

And yet, while Dolly Parton doesn’t have children of her own, she does all she can to help those in need. Parton started the book-gifting program Imagination Library project, which mails free, high-quality books to children from birth up to age five, no matter their family’s income.

According to Parton, there have been up to 125 million kids involved in the program. She says her father was the big inspiration for starting it.

“So when I got ready to start the program, I thought I’m going to do this for my dad and I’m going to bring him along with me to help me with that,” she said.



“So, he got to live long enough to see it really take off and start doing good, and so he loved it when the kids called me the Book Lady. He was prouder of that than saying that my daughter’s a star: ‘My daughter’s the Book Lady.’”

It’s easy to say that Dolly Parton has the time and money to help others. According to Forbes, she has a net worth of about $350 million.

Dolly Parton and her husband Carl are living their best life. And now, through her Instagram page, the beloved singer has shared a new, rare never-seen-before picture of the wonderful couple.

Dolly and Carl are seen holding hands back in the 1960s, and of course, she shows off her iconic blonde hair.

Fans went crazy in the comment section, praising the lovely couple. However, one detail was not quite what anyone had expected.


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Carl is actually seen wearing a shirt from Dolly’s own merchandise range, which has been photoshopped onto his body.

“Find you a partner who will support you like my Carl Dean does,” Dolly wrote in the caption to the photo.

Dolly Parton and Carl seem truly happy, and we are so happy for them. Hopefully, we will get to see Dolly perform very soon again.

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