Sometimes I get really tired of my job. You probably know the feeling—waking up in the morning with a headache just thinking about another day at the office.
Even though I complain and have days where I just want to stay in bed and watch TV, I never have to worry about my job being dangerous.
That’s something to appreciate, even if we don’t think about it every day. It’s easy to forget that some jobs are not just mentally tough but also physically dangerous.
Being a firefighter is one of those jobs. I don’t think firefighters get enough credit for the bravery they show just by showing up for work every day. There’s a photo going around online right now that highlights how tough their job can be.
When I was younger, I dreamed of being a firefighter—if my NBA career didn’t work out. But now, I’m happy to let others do it.
Call me a coward, but running into a burning building is one of the last things I’d want to do.
Luckily, there are brave people out there who risk their lives to save others and minimize damage during fires and serious accidents.

We’re not just talking about rescuing people from burning cars or entering apartment buildings on fire—both very brave acts. Firefighters also have to fight one of nature’s most terrifying forces: wildfires.
If you live in a place where wildfires happen, you know how much damage they can cause. Wildfires don’t just stop on their own, and if left alone, they will destroy almost everything in their path.
That’s where firefighters come in. While everyone else is told to leave the area, firefighters rush in to stop the fires and save lives.

A few years ago one such wildfire was raging in Portugal, requiring the skills of a combined 1,150 firefighters to slow its spread.
The apocalyptic scene was frightening to behold, but it did produce a rather incredible photograph that paid testament to the incredible work firefighters do to keep people safe.
As per reports, a man named Pedro Brás posted the image, along with the caption: “After a night and a day fighting the Góis Forest Fire we were entitled to 25 minutes of river beach, although it was covered by smoke.”
The picture in question showed a group of firefighters sleeping on a lawn, so overcome by exhaustion that they had pretty much dropped where they stood in order to get some rest.

According to Pedro, the firefighters took a short break of 25 minutes after working nonstop for 24 hours to fight the wildfire.
I don’t know about you, but I think firefighters everywhere deserve more praise and credit for what they do.