Every bride wants her wedding day to be perfect. While you can control things like the dress, venue, and catering, you can’t always guarantee everything will go as planned.
This bride thought she had a foolproof plan for her wedding day but soon realized not everyone agreed with her ideas. Keep reading to find out more.
A bride-to-be shared her story on Reddit, asking if she was being unreasonable. She posted in the popular ‘AITAH’ subreddit, which stands for “Am I The Asshole?”
She explained that she and her fiancé sent a list of rules to their wedding guests. Soon after, they started getting cancellations.
Before sharing her story, she made it clear that she wasn’t a ‘bridezilla’ making these rules alone. Her fiancé had helped create the rules and was fully supportive of them.

Then, she detailed each rule.
The couple wanted an “unplugged ceremony,” meaning no phones during the ceremony and dinner unless there was a major emergency. While guests were okay with not using phones during the ceremony, they thought not using them during dinner was too much.
Some guests leaving their children at home argued they needed phones to check on their kids. She responded that making an exception for them would mean doing it for everyone. She wrote, “Checking on your kids is not an emergency. If something serious happens, you’ll know.”

The couple also had a strict color scheme and dress code. People were asked only to wear black, and women had to wear dresses, and men needed to wear tuxedos. There were no exceptions to the rule. Her aunt, who lost her husband and spent time in black clothing while she was grieving, had finally returned to a more colorful wardrobe and was also not an exception. Even when she said black clothes made her feel depressed now. Her future sister-in-law who has body dysmorphia also had issues with the dress code as she always wore pants to feel more comfortable with her body; no exception would be made for her as well.
They ordered the bridesmaid dresses months in advance and told their bridesmaids to maintain their weight; whether that meant eating less or eating more to do so.
She said her mother was livid about these rules and told the bride her wedding has been doomed from the start. Her bridesmaids also threatened to drop out, and she has wedding guests cancelling on them last minute.

Then, she listed each rule.
Her maid of honor’s daughter was supposed to be the flower girl, but that changed. The bride asked for the flower girl to stay at a hotel with a babysitter during the ceremony, but the maid of honor didn’t agree. Instead, she plans to leave her daughter with her mother since the wedding is four hours away.
Despite her explanation, people still thought she and her fiancé were being unreasonable and labeled them as ‘assholes.’
Many people pointed out that while couples can have their own wedding rules, guests don’t have to follow them and can choose not to attend.
Overall, Reddit users agreed that the couple’s demands were unreasonable.
If you liked this story, check out the one below about a shocking request from a mother-in-law.
What do you think of this couple and their demands for their wedding guests? Let us know in the comments!