A strange optical illusion shows what people notice about you first.

What do you see first? (Image: Oleg Shuplyak)

If you like optical illusions, you’ll love this new image from famous Ukrainian artist Oleg Shuplyak. It shows what people first notice about you.

Optical illusions are a fun way to pass the time. They test how we solve problems and can even show something about our personality that we might not realize. There’s no “right” way to see an optical illusion—everyone notices something different at first. The way you view it can reveal a lot about you. Famous Ukrainian illusion artist Oleg Shuplyak has created a new image with three things to spot: a horse, a musician, and a head.

What did you see first? The picture shows a human head on a plate, a man playing music on top of the head, and a horse in the image. But not everyone sees them in the same order. Here’s what it means if you noticed the head, the musician, or the horse first.

Do you see a horse, a musician, or a head first? ( Image: Oleg Shuplyak)

If you saw the horse first, people might notice your strong eye contact when they meet you, which could make them think you’re not easy to approach or that you’re too serious. But once they get to know you, they’ll realize your eye contact is how you build deep, meaningful connections. Just give people time to understand who you really are.

The musician

If the musician was the first thing you noticed, people are drawn to your sense of humor. You can make others laugh, even in small conversations, and you have a natural talent for keeping people entertained. However, it’s important to make sure you’re taking care of your own needs and not just focusing on pleasing others.

The head

If you noticed the head first, people are drawn to your friendly and welcoming nature. You make others feel comfortable, and many say you’re a great listener. Just be careful that people don’t take advantage of your kindness.

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