Dear Abby: We’re considering hiring someone to investigate our son’s wife, but we don’t want to tell him about it.

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I are working on our wills, but we’re stuck on what to do about my son’s wife. She’s had affairs and spends money recklessly, even though they can’t afford it.

Is there a way to protect any inheritance we leave our son so his wife can’t get to it?

We thought about hiring a private investigator to check if she’s having an affair, but if we found out she was, we wouldn’t know what to do. We couldn’t tell our son.

DEAR TACTFUL: Since laws vary by state, you should talk to your attorney or CPA for advice on how to set up your wills and estate plans to protect your son’s inheritance.

P.S. If you hire a private investigator and find out your daughter-in-law is cheating again, you should let your son know and explain how you found out.

DEAR ABBY: My wife constantly tracks dirt into the house because she refuses to stop wearing her shoes indoors. She’ll be out all day—working, running errands, or even doing yard work—and then comes inside with the same shoes on.

It seems to run in her family, as her mom does it, too. When we visited her aunt and uncle recently, they were both wearing outdoor shoes inside as well!

How can I get my wife to understand that her habit is making our house dirty?

DEAR SLIPPERS: The August 2024 issue of Consumer Reports says that half of the dust in our homes comes from outside, and the bottoms of our shoes can also bring in germs and other unhealthy stuff.

Setting a rule about wearing shoes inside could help keep your house cleaner, but it can be tough to change habits that have been around for a long time, so your wife might find it hard to adjust.

A good compromise could be to put a doormat outside to help scrape off dust and dirt from shoes. You might suggest that to her as a solution.

DEAR ABBY: My stepson has invited my husband and me to his house for Thanksgiving this year. After we agreed to go, I found out that the meal will be vegetarian lasagna.

I think this is inconsiderate because they know that my husband and I have always enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving meal, including roasted turkey.

DEAR WANTING: I’m glad you asked! Thanksgiving is a time for families and friends to come together to give thanks and enjoy food, friendship, and the freedoms we have in this country.

If you think you’ll need protein, you might want to eat something with protein before you go.

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